Acupuncture practice for sale in Albuquerque, NM

The owner is ready to retire and would like to sell the 23-year-old practice in Albuquerque, NM. The owner would love to find an acupuncturist that is a good fit for all patients. The practice has given much joy and security over the years. It could continue to do that for the right person.

Currently, the practice works 4 days/24 hours per week and grosses $75,000.  The practice stopped taking new patients two years ago when Covid hit.  However, the practice still receives referrals and calls from potential new patients every week. Most of them come from the website or from other patients. Someone could easily build the practice back up to $100,000 or more just by expanding the hours and taking new patients. There are 1288 patient files.

The office is centrally located in a professional medical complex. Patients come from all quadrants of the city and also Rio Rancho. The Albuquerque area has over 1 million people. The practice has transferable insurance contracts with most major insurers. The website has been searching engine optimized and new patients call from that every week. It is the only advertising ever needed.

The office has a waiting room, reception area, 2 treatment rooms, and a private bathroom. It is beautifully decorated and around 600 sq. ft.  The office rents for $800 a month. The owner owns the building and a continual lease is available, as well as finance the sale and to stay on and help make a smooth transition.

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